Call to Worship
Confession & Assurance
Congregational Prayer
Scripture Reading
Response: Praise & Offering
Call to Worship
Confession & Assurance
Congregational Prayer
Scripture Reading
Response: Praise & Offering
Hey church, we are continuing on reading scripture together with the books of Luke & Acts starting Christmas Day!
We are reading together with our HomeGroups but if you are not plugged into one but would like to be part of a group, please sign-up below!
Church, we are looking to hire a part-time administrative staff to the team. For more info, please check the link below!
Please speak with Elder Andrew for any question and deadline for applications is January 12
We are currently looking for volunteers to help serve in our Children Education Ministry from October to December. If you have a willing heart, please prayerfully consider offering up your time and register below.
CEM service info can be found below and if you have any questions, please reach out to Kathy.
Hey church! Are you 40+ and enjoy playing pickleball? Our English-speaking Ministry will be having a league that plays every other Tuesdays at 7PM in VCC’s gym. The next meeting will be February 20th!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Elder Dae.
VCC EM continues to be available for in-person and online worship:
For in-person worship, join us in the Bethel Chapel. Advance registration for in-person worship (via Eventbrite) is no longer required. Masking indoors will be optional, but still highly recommended given continued rising number of COVID-19 cases. We ask that you do what is best for you and your family, while being respectful of others’ decisions as well.
For online worship, please join us on youtube.com/vccem.
Regular Offering January 5: $17,722
Regular Offering through January 2025: $6,009
Special Offering through January 2025: $0
2025 Annual Budget: $371,700
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A reminder that pre-authorized debit or EMT options are also available. If you need an envelope assigned or details on PAD/EMT please contact Charles Park.