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Dali family sponsorship

  • Successful interview with the Canadian Embassy weeks before COVID-19 lockdown;

  • Waiting for government to resume services to continue sponsorship process (remaining background checks);

  • Pray for continued hope and reliance on God during these difficult times (especially in a declining economy in Lebanon).


out of the cold with Mosaic Interfaith

  • Program will continue to run at an emergency shelter until the end of April 2020 (due to COVID-19).

  • OOTC is in need of rare essentials such as toilet paper, antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizers.

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world vision partnership

  • Lomas community is having problems with access to water;

  • A lot of families cannot go to work because of quarantine;

  • Domestic violence has always been a big issue, so please pray for the children who are quarantined at home with violence;

  • Pray for staff to stay healthy as they go to Lomas to give hygiene kits to poor families.


holy spirit church

  • Pray for providence to all the families and individuals at Holy Spirit Church - especially around employment and financial needs.



  • Hosted for the first time-ever!

  • Meeting on Zoom every Tuesday @7:30PM starting April 28 (8-week program).

  • For those curious about exploring life, faith and God in an open and informal environment.

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  • Rev. Ohm has been able to provide some essentials (like oil, rice, etc.) to 300+ families in South Africa - and they've been doing service online!


Vaughan Community Church is part of World Vision's Global Partner Opportunities program, which pairs a church with a community living in poverty in a developing country. In partnership with World Vision, the church supports the community to foster a deep transformation, which helps them become self-supporting and self-sustaining. Since 2016, VCC has committed to journeying with Lomas, Bolivia for 12-15 years through this program.

Through the sponsorship of individual children in Lomas, you’re already deeply involved in supporting this community!



Lomas is a community on the outskirts of Cochabamba in Bolivia. The population of this urban slum continues to grow as families migrate from rural communities toward the city in search of better lives. Most make their living as drivers, masons, street vendors, and, particularly for men, selling wares at the market.

The population in Lomas is very young, with 53% younger than 20 years old, and often under-educated. Most families are struggling to get by, and with parents working long hours outside the home, children are usually left on their own during the day with no one to monitor their studies and nutrition, or keep them out of risky situations. Alcoholism, drugs and crime continue to be worries.

For Communion, VCC will be collecting food item donations for our local food banks during Sundays when we host Communion. As we come to the table of Communion and break bread together, we also remember people in our local community who are experiencing food insecurity.

This a list of food items that have specifically been requested by our local food bank. We ask that you prayerfully consider picking up an item on this list during your next trip to the grocery store, and bring it with you on the Sundays leading to our Communion Services.

If you have any questions, please connect with Abigaille Alpay (abigaille.alpay@gmail.com)


Staying at home in light of COVID has removed many of us from seeing first hand the compounding impact of the pandemic on GTA's homeless community. When the pandemic first hit, not only were our OOTC guests afraid for their physical health, but they also felt deeply lost as their mental health took a toll with increasing isolation.

As the weather gets colder and the snow begins to fall, we hope that our sisters and brothers in need of shelter are staying safe.

While Vaughan Community Church, unfortunately, will not be hosting the program this season, we continue our commitment and heart to serve the homeless community in the area. We will be helping to provide volunteers for the Out of the Cold Program with Mosaic Interfaith.

This program by Blue Door offers overnight emergency housing during the cold months from OCTOBER to JUNE. Our volunteers will be helping out on Sunday Nights at Holy Trinity Anglican Church (located at 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill)

Volunteers are needed for various shifts starting 4pm to 7pm to help set-up, serve dinner, and watch over the clothing table as well as Monday morning Breakfast service for 5:30am to 7am.

For more information or to sign-up please reach out to Matthew or Julie.


Stay tuned as we share more ways to get involved over the holiday season!!

guest speaker: evangelism during covid

Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart - Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall - joins us for a special webinar to discuss what church and evangelism look like as result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Alpha is for anyone who’s curious - an opportunity to explore life, faith and God in an open and informal environment. Every week, the talks and Alpha program videos are designed to encourage conversation and explore the meaning of life. No question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish. Seriously.

More info to come!