Join our in-person Worship at 10 AM or opt for our online service. If you need a ride, we provide a shuttle bus at Finch passenger pick-up that leaves promptly at 9:30 AM.
Pickleball League (40+ Fellowship)
Every other Tuesdays, we host a pickleball league for the 40+ community. To find out more info or register, click here!
Hi-C Bible Study
Friday night Bible study is for all the youth (gr. 7 - gr. 12), come join us from 7:30PM to 9PM as we dive into the Word together. Snacks are provided! For any questions, please reach out to Pastor Jonathan.
Friday Night JAM (Jesus And Me)
Every Friday, students in grades 4 to 6 are invited to come join bible study and fellowship from 7:30PM to 9PM! For any questions, please reach out to Reverend Khang.