“Discipleship”. It’s a word - a way of life - a ministry name we hear all the time in the halls of church. Yet we’re not always sure we know what it means, or understand what it stands for. But if this past year has taught us anything, it’s that we may be yearning for something deeper in our faith journey, yet we’re not sure exactly what it means or how we’re supposed to live it out. That’s what Discipleship hopes to explain - and this ministry looks forward to uncovering with you in the near future.

VCC EM’s Discipleship Ministry is reimagining what discipleship looks like for our church and members - and we want to hear about how you think about experience your faith and discipleship journey!


A questionnaire has been put together to better understand the faith experience of the EM congregation at a high level. The survey results will be treated anonymously and will not be traced back to a particular individual. Text responses may be used in the final summary but we will eliminate any names and mention of places.

Anyone attending VCC can fill out the survey (open until July 11):

We will also be conducting interviews to dive deeper and listen to firsthand experiences from our congregation members (randomly chosen, active members only).

check back soon for more updates!