Some steps to listen and read well:

  1. Pray to God. Acknowledge his presence and ask to experience him in this time.

  2. A few questions to ask as you read & after you read:

    1. what word, image, phrase or idea stands out to you from the passage?

    2. what does this passage tell you about the character of God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

    3. what does this passage tell you about who you are?

    4. how does passage call you to live today?

    5. who is God moving you to pray for in your reading and reflection today?

  3. Sit with that word, encouragement, prayer or conviction just a little longer. If it’s a day when nothing ‘happens’, then, in faith, be still for moment trusting that God is with you even in the silence. And that is enough (Luke 10:38-42).

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